Buborék Bakery l Bed, Bike, Bread
The bakery in Csopak, awaits you with high-quality baked goods, omelette brunch, glasses of champagne, sushi and bistro cuisine. A youthful, flamboyant team with sloppy elegance but great ingredients puts together in a varied menu: there are baguettes and breads made from their own sourdough and wholemeal, as well as organic sandwiches, extra butter croissants, lemon tarte, and the iconic raspberry macaron.
Csakis alma Manufactory
The Csakis Alma Manufactory has been growing apples in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county for more than 50 years. They harvest 3-400 tons of apples a total of 3,500 apple trees a year on nearly 10 hectares of arable land in a wonderful natural environment. Thanks to their storage method, they can squeeze the apple juices from fresh apples all year round! The process begins with a thorough washing and sorting of the fruit in two stages. During the pressing process, no substances are added to the juice, no sugar, no preservatives, no flavorings, and they are not made from concentrate! Preservation is done by pasteurization.
Mamka jam
Vörösné Sándor Kinga vagyok, a Nyárikonyhám alapítója. Őstermelőként és kistermelőként azt a mérhetetlen szeretetet igyekszem átadni vásárlóimnak, mellyel termékeim készülnek. Mindig szerettem a konyhában tevékenykedni, minden kerti kincset befőzni, hasznosítani családom nagy örömére. A hagyományos ízeken kívül különlegesebb kombinációkkal is kísérletezek, valamint gondolva az egészségre és a felmerülő igényekre, cukormentes változatban is készülnek szörpök és lekvárok. Termékeim gondos odafigyeléssel tartósítószer- , színezék- és ízfokozómentesen készülnek kizárólag a Kárpát-medencében termő gyümölcsökből, zöldségekből. Kiskertemből Mindenki asztalára szívvel-lélekkel!
Mangalica of Káptalantóti
The main profile of the family business is viticulture, but they are also engaged in catering on a seasonal basis, where, of course, in addition to their own wines, they also serve products made from their own mangalica pigs. Animal breeding is an integral part of the business. On their Mangalica farm, 100 sows (76 blondes and 24 reds) “shed” the piglets (average 5.8 per pup), which is approx. It allows 800-1000 roasters to be put into fattening. In addition to mangalica, Hungarian Gray Cattle are also kept. Feeding is made up of groats made from corn, barley and triticale, as well as plenty of green-fed (spring-autumn) alfalfa. The vast majority of these feeds are produced on their own land.
Flavors of Kalotaszeg
My name is Melinda Horváth, and I know these flavors because of my Transylvanian origin. At first I only made traditional zakuska, then my palette gradually expanded. In addition to the traditional plain, hot, mushroom, and pasty, I now also make the very healthy zakuska version with red lentils. The other typical Transylvanian flavor is the vignette (eggplant cream), which I always make fresh and must be eaten fresh. In addition to zakuska, I also make jams from the fruits picked from our own fruit trees.